Make Sure that Your Confidential Data Remains Safe in the Workplace

In the workplace, there is a lot of confidential information around. It can be found on computers, in filing cabinets and on desks among other places. It is really important to ensure that all documents and devices that contain confidential and sensitive material are kept safe at all times and that it can never be accessed by anyone who is not authorised to access it.
Storage is really important – when you are storing physical paperwork, it needs to be kept in a locked filing cabinet or the locked drawer of a desk. If the information is stored electronically, then you need to make sure that devices that contain any confidential material are password protected and cannot be accessed by those who don’t have the password.
You should also make sure that the workplace is secure generally. Burglars will often look to break into offices at night for example and can make off with electronic equipment containing data which can then be used to commit fraud. Use CCTV cameras and alarms and make sure that your workplace security is good when it comes to who you let into the workplace.
You also need to be careful when you are disposing of anything that is confidential. Get a professional company like this confidential waste disposal Cardiff based company to take away confidential paperwork and also hard drives or USB sticks that also contain confidential information. It is essential that any waste you have that contains confidential information is destroyed safely.