How to help medicate dogs from skin conditions

It is essential to look after the condition of our dog’s skin, even when we might not think about it as it’s covered in fur. These are just a few of the uncomfortable skin problems that our much-loved pooches can struggle with:
- Fleas
Some dogs can be highly sensitive to flea bites and allergies resulting happened can be very serious. Even if you do not see any fleas, bites can cause severe reactions. Flea prevention treatment can help, and the veterinarian can advise you on the best type to use. This can prevent uncomfortable conditions like allergic dermatitis from flaring up which causes intense itching and discomfort in dogs. You also have to take care of your dog’s bed and the surrounding environment. Fit them with a top-quality collar too. For Designer Dog Collars, visit a site like
- Mange
Mange occurs from several different species of mites and can happen in any season during the year. Some types are located in the skin and hair follicles and this problem can be seen by looking at the skin lesions. Mange is very uncomfortable and can result in bald patches, intense itchiness, sore spots, redness and loss of hair.
- Ringworm
It sounds like a worm but is actually a fungal infection. It is highly contagious, spreading to both other animals and humans, so you will want to see a veterinarian immediately if you suspect ringworm. Infections can look like crusty, circular bald patches. Effective treatment may be in the form of shampoos medications or oral medication.
- Food Allergies
You may not realize that dogs can be allergic to their food. Common allergies include reactions to milk, chicken, eggs and beef. Signs of allergy include itching of the face, ears, legs and anus. With food allergies, digestive disorders can also occur including diarrhoea and vomiting. A trial of elimination of food is a normal approach to determine allergies.
- Bacterial Infection
Bacterial infections of the skin can be caused by complications from an allergy to flea bites, food or the environment. When a dog scratches, they can penetrate the skin and get dirt into the wound. If you suspect an infection, take your dog to the vet immediately.
- Yeast Infection
It is common for yeast to be found on the dog’s skin, especially between their toes, around the anus and in the ear. Dog breeds with large that flop down ears are the most commonly affected, although any breed can get a yeast infection. Infections like these can happen in humid summer conditions, following a swim or as a further infection following an allergic reaction. The symptoms of a yeast infection include hair loss from scratching, redness and thickening of the skin. If open sores are present, they will usually give off a horrible smell. Infections can be treated with a medicated wash or by using drops in the ears.