Selling at a Car Boot Sale

Buying second hand is not only good for the environment, but it is also a great way to save money. From going to a charity shop to get a bargain, to buying tech that has been refurbished like these cheap laptops refurbishedlaptops there are many ways to save money on a range of items by avoiding buying brand new.
A car boot sale is a great place to grab a bargain and can also be a good place for you to make a bit of money and get rid of items that you no longer use. If you are planning a car boot sale, here are some tips to help you make it a success…
Be Realistic With Prices – Because everyone who comes to a car boot is on the lookout for a bargain, you need to be realistic with how you price things. Part of the charm of a car boot is the ability to get rid of things easily, and if you price too high you won’t make a sale.
Get there Early – This is really important as many people will turn up at a car boot sale early on to get the first look at everything for sale, so you need to be ready for them! Setting up early gives you the best chance to sell your wares.
Have the Right Equipment – You don’t need a lot of equipment for a car boot (apart from the car of course!) However, having certain things will help you – a table to display items on that folds up for transport, a tin that can be locked for money and a clothing hanging rail if you are selling clothing are all good things to have.