How to Get Streak-Free Windows

There’s nothing more annoying than a dirty window. Clean, shiny windows allow the light to pour in, making our homes feel spacious, airy and bright. Dust, pollen and pollution particles can build up on the outside of windows, causing them to look grimy – particularly on a sunny day.

New windows are a fantastic investment – not only do they look great, but modern double glazing traps heat inside, keeping your property cosy. For new windows and doors Cardiff, consider a specialist such as

But opinion is divided on how to best clean our windows to achieve the best shine and avoid that oh-so-frustrating streaky window. Let’s have a look at some of the top tips on how to achieve streak-free windows.

Clear Your Window of Dust

Whether you’re cleaning the inside of the window or the outside, getting rid of dust, leaves and cobwebs is an important first step. Use a soft cloth or long-handled duster to give it a once-over. Otherwise this dust will end up being spread all over the window as you clean.

Choose Your Cleaning Solution

There are a few cleaning solutions to choose from – you might opt for trusty washing-up liquid in warm water, a good glass cleaner or a home-made solution of white vinegar and warm water according to cleaning experts Smol. You can add a tablespoon of household ammonia if the window is particularly grubby. Spray your chosen solution on to ensure even coverage.

Elbow Grease

Next comes the actual cleaning. Start with window frames so that you can clean residue off the glass afterwards. For the glass, choose a non-scratch sponge to rub your cleaning solution all over, paying particular attention to any stubborn stains. Work soapy solutions into an even lather.

Squeegee the Excess

A squeegee really is the only way to wipe off the cleaning solution, whichever you choose. Press firmly, moving your squeegee in an S-shape to avoid water pooling at one end.

Nina Brown

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