Traditions That Died Out With Our Grandparents

Our grandparents experienced a different world to the one we live in now. Without the trappings of modern technology, they filled their time with activities and traditions that are slowly falling out of favour. Here are some of the traditions that died out with our grandparents.
Sewing, embroidery and knitting were all common activities during our grandparents’ era, especially for women. With the absence of fast fashion, many clothing items were made from scratch or repaired when worn out.
It was common to see knitting kits in our grandparent’s households, as people made a variety of items from woollen jumpers to blankets. If you are interested in reviving this pastime, more information on knitting kits can be found at
Home Preserving
Preserving food was a popular kitchen activity in our grandparents’ era. From preserving homegrown vegetables by making pickles and chutneys to jam-making and dried produce, the kitchen was a hive of activity where enough food was preserved to last through the winter.
Radio Programmes
With the absence of endless TV channels, gathering around the radio as a family was a popular tradition. Whether it was daily news broadcasts or entertainment, listening to the radio brought people together.
Parlour Games
Another way for family and friends to entertain themselves was with parlour games. This involved sitting together as a group and playing board games, cards or word games using a simple piece of paper and pencil. Many of these games would have been played by generations, becoming firm family traditions.
Dance Halls
According to The British Newspaper Archive, the dance hall was one of the most popular forms of entertainment and many couples first met on the dance floor. It provided people with a way to let off some steam and socialise and was potentially a precursor to the modern way people enjoy a night out today.
While many of the traditions of our grandparents’ era have now faded, some are enjoying a revival. It is up to us to take the best of these traditions and keep them alive.