Does Copper have medical health benefits?

We generally think of copper as having very practical uses in industry and around the home. For example, you are bound to see some Copper Pipe Fittings like those from Watkins & Powis in most buildings. However, it is also a part of our physical make up as well. Trace elements of copper help us to make red blood cells, keep our nerve cells firing and, most notably, our immune systems functioning. It helps form collagen to make us look younger and to absorb iron for energy. Therefore it really is an essential part of us.
Where does copper reside in our body? It mainly sits in the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscle, heart and our brains. In fact, if we do not have enough copper, our brain function can become impaired. On the flip side, too much can be detrimental.
This does not mean that you should start to look for copper pills at the pharmacy. The body has enough naturally occuring and deficiencies are rare. This isn’t to say that if one is lacking in copper, substitutes cannot be used. Medical practioners will happliy prescribe them if they are required. Like iron, certain metal deposits go into our physical make up. Copper is by no means one of the most prominent but it is useful. In fact, if you have too little it can be seen to be indicative of Alzhemiers diseases.