Accessibility in the Office

When someone with a disability, especially a mobility impairment, enters your office, what is their experience like? No matter if the person is a visitor or an employee, you should ask them how they feel. Everyone should have access to your business. Make access easier with a Visitor Management System UK from a site like //

Commercial buildings must comply with several codes. These include adding ramps, buttons for opening doors, elevators and doors that are a specific width. Most likely, your building already meets the requirements. However, older buildings may be exempt.

We are all just a heartbeat away from becoming disabled. Accidents occur, and injuries can lead to chronic problems. As people age, their bodies stop working or healing as well. When interacting with someone who has a disability, it’s important to keep this in mind.

Disability is a complex and diverse world. There are no two people with disabilities who are alike, and they will not all react the same way to certain situations.

These considerations are not likely to be in the minds of many people who don’t have disabilities. There are “best practices” that we all should adhere to when it comes to disability at work. 

How can you help?

It’s fine to ask for help if someone with a mobility device appears to be struggling to accomplish a task, such as opening a door or getting out of a vehicle. You should first ask if they want or need help. Don’t take their refusal personally.

Do not ask why someone requires accommodations

You should never ask someone about their disability or why they might need certain devices. It is legally prohibited to ask a person about their disability if they bring a service dog in your business. You only need to know that a doctor has determined that a device (in this instance, a service animal) is needed for the person’s safety and health.


Nina Brown

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