How To Stand Out To Top Staffing Agencies

It can be difficult finding a job that suits your skillset, especially during an economic downturn. There’s no shame in asking for a little help along your career path, and that’s what Boston staffing agencies are here for. If you’re a small fish swimming in a big pond, then you’ll want to explore every nook and cranny for an opportunity.
Partnering with the right staffing agency can make all the difference in your job hunt, so make sure to present yourself as an attractive hire. Here are a few traits you should have to make yourself stand out to top staffing agencies.
Have the Hard Skills
Staffing agencies will help you find a job, but they need to have an idea of what kind of employee they’re dealing with. You need to have the kind of experience that makes you a great candidate for the types of positions they offer. Once you research a good agency to reach out to, tailor your resume with appropriate experiences. Clarify who you are and what you’ve done, and agencies will know what companies they can match you with.
The last thing you want to do is walk in and say, “I want a job.” This reveals that you know nothing about the agency, and it comes across as a little desperate. A good staffing agency will only work with someone with clear goals in mind, so think things through before reaching out.
Show the Soft Skills
Even if you have the experience, staffing agencies also need to see the intangibles of a good worker. Do you have the communication skills to clearly express your main points in a conversation? Do you have the teamwork skills to navigate relationships with others? Do you have the time management skills to make your interview?
You should be putting your soft skills on display to an agency in the early stages. Once they see you’re a true professional, they’ll invest their time in you.
Craft yourself as the right fit for any top-tier company, and staffing agencies will be willing to help you reach your career destination.